March, 2025 – At the Membership Meeting held February 25th we had speakers from the Cowlitz County Master Gardeners and Cowlitz County Noxious Weed Dept. who gave information on using Plant ID Apps and more on noxious weeds. Lots of good info and FAQ’s were answered.

Spring is showing at the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens! We are watching the buds of the Lilacs in anticipation of the upcoming Lilac Days which is April 19th to May 11th, 2025. We will be opening daily from 10am to 4pm. The lilac plants will be delivered soon for the annual plant sale and we will have many lilac themed items in the gift shop. There are more exciting things such as the 50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee celebration that will be held on Saturday, May 3rd, as well as many other Specialty Days [see the Lilac Days page for more information].

See you in the Garden!

50th Anniversary Flyer

January 2025 – Well winter has arrived and we’re in for some cold temp’s in the next week or so. 20’s Brrrr!  We had a busy December for the Klager Christmas event.  Hope you got to come out and see the farmhouse and barn/museum all decked out for the holidays and visit Santa!

We still have lots to do in the winter months as we prepare for Lilac Days 2025 (April 19-May 11) as we are ordering our 2025 plant inventory, stocking up for the gift shop, preparing for Membership meetings and for guest speakers, working in the garden on the installation of the new compost and mulch, trimming, pruning, and weeding which is always endless!  If you have the time, we’d love to hear from you and what your interest is in the garden and areas you can volunteer.  (House, Gate, Garden, Plant Sales, Museum, Gift shop, other). Membership renewal is now (January) so fill out your form and submit it to (details are on the Membership page).

Come out and join us on January 28th 1pm at the farmhouse. Our speaker is Josie Banks and she is sharing information on Herbalism, teas, soil recipes and more!

See you in the garden!

January Photos

💜🎄Old Fashioned Klager Christmas 🎄💜

Friday, Dec 13th 1pm-7pm
Saturday, Dec 14 1pm-7pm
Sunday, Dec 15th Noon-5pm

Celebrate a “Klager Christmas” at the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens, 115 S. Pekin Road, Woodland, WA. Stroll through the gardens, see the lights and the old-fashioned Christmas decor at the farmhouse, see Santa and hear a Christmas story. Visit the barn/museum and enjoy a cup of cocoa and cookies.

Admission: Family $20, Adults $6, kids 2-16 $3, infants free.

Tour & Santa
House entry 15-20 guests every 15-20 minutes
Thank you for your patience!

Santa schedule at farmhouse:
Friday Dec 13th 2-5:30pm
Saturday Dec 14th 3-6:30pm
Sunday Dec 15th 1-4:30pm

It's a Klagar Christmas
Pictures of Christmas decorations

October, 2024 – Volunteer at Make a Difference Day on October 26th at the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens.

Make a Difference Day Flyer

September 8, 2024 – There is planned road construction occurring on 5th Street and South Pekin, so effective immediately the Gardens will be CLOSED to the public (local traffic only) until further notice. Updates will be posted to the website calendar.

July, 2024 – The annual volunteer and membership picnic was held 7/23/2024. The picnic was attended by about 50 people….Volunteers, spouses, Boy Scouts, float makers, and friends. Ruth Wendt was honored for her 40+ years of volunteering at the Lilac Gardens. Thank you to Lori Comstock for ordering and delivering the food and to the many volunteers who helped setup. The program was narrated by Mari Ripp (with the new Karaoke player), Mary Jo Kellar presenting the group with a Territorial Pioneer map created by her grandmother Jewell Leathers in 1953, and the Raffle Quilt drawing was held. Leeann Hadaller, Kalama WA, was the lucky winner!

Join our membership and come attend more garden events!

Our August Membership meeting will be held at Hulda’s house on August 27th at 1 p.m. Come join us! Stay tuned for exciting winter event information to be released soon….

See you in the garden!

July picnic photos

July 28, 2024 – LeeAnn Hadaller of Kalama was our 2024 winner of the quilt raffle. We had a good turnout for our Volunteer Appreciation picnic and a good time was had by all.

Our August General meeting will be held at Hulda’s house on August 27th at 1 p.m. Come join us!

Quilt Winner

June 12, 2024 – Come to the ONE DAY PLANT SALE on Thursday, June 13th 10 am to 6 pm at the Gardens. Plants are $18 for 1 gallon. Cash only please. Free admission for plant sale!

Come visit the garden. Lots of plants and flowers are in bloom! Open daily 9am-4pm, except Wednesdays, holidays and other various closures. See the calendar for details. $10 admission for adults. 12 and under free.

There will be a membership meeting on Tuesday, June 25th 1:00 p.m. at the Klager house. Come join us to hear from our speaker from the Clark County Historical Museum.

June 2024 Pictures
June 2024 Pictures

May 11, 2024 – The lilac bloom is nearing the end but there are a few still left to see (Miss Kim is looking spectacular!) and there are lots of other plants and trees blooming such as azaleas, rhododendrons, iris, shrub roses, dogwood, deutzia, weiggelia, Chinese rose, double file viburnum and more! Below are photos from today.

Our plant sale is also still on with the last day tomorrow May 12th We have several varieties in the 2″ starter size still ready for purchase at $12 and $16. Plus the gift shop with lilac themed items. Tours of house begin 1pm to 4pm every 15 minutes or so. Gardens open at 10am to 4 pm and $10 admission includes the museum plus the house tours (FCFS).

After Lilac Days 2024

After Lilac Days and when the lilac blooms are winding down, there are still rhododendrons, azaleas, peony’s, iris and other plants in bloom and the gardens are still serene and beautiful and available for strolling and picnics. The Gardens will be open this summer daily 9-4pm, except closed on Wednesdays and holidays. The house & museum will be closed. Please check our website for current information and hours Calendar. There is a $10 admission fee at the self-pay station at the front gate. Cash or check only please. You can also find lots of information on the website.

We hope you’ll visit!

Plant delivery and work party pictures

April 29, 2024 – We are seeing some spring-like weather in the garden for Lilac Days 2024. Admission is $10 adults (kids 12 and under free). Cash or credit/debit are accepted at the garden. The plant sale is open and there are alot of plants for purchase in 2-3″ size, 1 and 2 gallon ranging from $12, $16, $38, $48 and $62. Visit Plant Sales for more info (*plants are sold as supplies last). We have restocked the Garden Pearls (lime) in the sales area too. The gardens and Museum are open now through May 12th 10 am to 4pm daily. Make sure to allow time to visit the famous Klager farmhouse (open 1 to 4 pm daily through May 12th and tours are every 15-20 minutes for groups of 15 at a time. Line up at the front porch.) You are welcome to bring a picnic lunch and use the picnic tables and benches scattered around the gardens. The Boy Scouts are also selling concessions on the weekends. During the week there is a confectionary vendor selling goodies! See you in the garden!

Plant delivery and work party pictures
April 20, 2024 – Greetings! It’s Lilac Days!  Opening day was fantastic!  Sunshine, lots of visitors, sales were vigorous and the lilacs and garden are blooming and looking beautiful! While the lilacs are not quite at peak, this spring weather and Mother Nature will bring it very soon. There are early, mid and late bloomers, so lots to enjoy, smell and photograph. Join us to see the lilacs in bloom, visit the plant sale, gift shop and museum. Gardens are open daily through May 12th/Mother’s Day from 10am to 4 pm.
We have a few specialty days coming up.
  • Sunday, April 21st Royalty Day with Planters Days royal court, Ms. Senior Washington USA/Ms. Senior Ireland/Universe Caliatra Wright and Miss Washington Vanessa Munson.
  • Fragrant Heritage & Storytelling– at Lilac Gardens at 1:00 pm on:

  • Tuesday, April 23, Ruth Wendt, Jon Drury (re: 1903 Luther Burbank), 

  • Wednesday April 24, Cynthia & Ernie Hardeger

  • Tuesday April 30, Mary Jo Kellar, Jon Drury (repeat), Kirk Northcut

  • Wednesday May 1st-Nancy (Ripp) Darnell, Guild family: Lorinda Cheek, mother Wanda Cheek, Debbie Myers, cousin Lorraine.

  • Friday May 10th – Hulda’s birthday & cupcakes (while supplies last)

  • Sunday May 12th Mothers Day

Come see us in the garden!

Plant delivery and work party pictures

Come visit the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens!

💜Lilac Days 2024💜 opens Saturday April 20th 10am to 4pm!
Royalty Day is Sunday April 21st. Planters Days Royal Court, Ms. Senior Washington USA, Ms.Senior Ireland Universe Caliatra Wright and Miss Washington Vanessa Munson will be at the gardens!

Plant delivery and work party pictures

April 4, 2024 – Lilacs are showing! We are busy prepping for LILAC DAYS opening day on APRIL 20th 10am.  A huge THANK YOU to all the Volunteers that were at our work party April 4th unloading plants and preparing them for the plant sale. Our next plant delivery work party is April 9th at 9 am and we’d love to have you come help. Message Mari Ripp at

See you in the gardens!
Pictures of current lilacs
Plant delivery and work party pictures

January 14, 2024 – Boy oh boy! Winter sure hit with a vengeance! The biting cold temps in the teens and the bitterly cold wind & snow. We winterized and prepped in advance of the storm thankfully. So only 1-2 lilac bushes have damage. The snow looks beautiful in the garden and here are a few pics to enjoy.

So far we are watching weather and road reports for Tuesday, January 16th 1pm board meeting. I will update MONDAY (I hear more snow is forecast for Wednesday!) Our alternate date for board is 10am on Tuesday January 23rd, followed by Membership meeting at 1pm. I’ll keep you posted. Stay warm and be safe☺️

Gardens in Winter!

December 12, 2023 – We held our annual HKLG Christmas party at Hulda’s farmhouse. There was lots of fun, laughter, friendship, food and a lively gift exchange playing the “steal a gift or choose a wrapped gift game”. If you couldn’t attend, we hope you will in the next year.

Christmas Party

December 11, 2023 – Meet Tracy Clark, our new Groundskeeper for the Lilac Gardens. Tracy has worked in retail garden centers and at our local nursery and has a love of plants, gardening and the outdoors. Please welcome her and say hi if you see her out and about in the gardens.

New Groundskeeper!
Happy Thanksgiving!

October 15, 2023 – Fall is here and winter is right around the corner. We are still busy in the garden weeding, landscaping and planting new lilacs (to replace some older and empty spots from past winter damage.) We are still looking for volunteers for the garden work and if you are available and can volunteer an hour or two here and there, please contact us at
Come join us and be a member as well. We’d love to have you. Check out our membership information on the website. Enjoy the fall weather, falling leaves and cooler days, and rain (of course) and a peek or two of the sunny weather too. See you in the garden soon!

July 27, 2023 – Our WINNER of the beautiful raffle quilt was Jane Ewert! The drawing was held on 7/25/23. Jane received the quilt and was thrilled at winning this beautiful quilt. A special thank you to the Memory Block Quilt Group from Community of Christ Church, Ridgefield WA for making the quilt. Thank you to all our supporters for buying tickets. And…we’re working on the new quilt for 2024, so watch for more info soon!

Quilt Winner

July 25, 2023 – The quilt raffle drawing was held at the HKLG Membership & Volunteer annual picnic on Tuesday, July 25th. It was a lovely evening in the garden and we had a great picnic dinner and lots of visiting went on! The quilt raffle ticket was drawn and the lucky winner was Jane Ewert! We have notified her and more photos are coming soon. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets and for your support of the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens. Insider info: We have selected our pattern, fabric and quilt group to make next year’s raffle quilt, so watch the website for announcements!

The gardens are open daily 10am to 2pm (except closed to public Wednesdays and holidays.) Fee payable at the self-pay station at the front gate is $5 adults (cash or check), children 12 and under free.
Come enjoy the gardens and have a picnic!

Annual picnic
Summer 2023

July 17, 2023 – It’s summer and the hot, dry weather is definitely here! We are irrigating and doing maintenance and repairs throughout the garden. We’ve been open daily to the public who enjoy the beautiful, peaceful tranquility of the grounds. “Wednesday Weeders” have been sprucing up the garden beds, but there’s much more to do. We can use more help! We have our upcoming Membership and Volunteer Recognition Picnic on Tuesday, July 25th at 6:00 pm in the garden. If you are interested in becoming a member or volunteer please contact or visit the membership page.

See you in the Gardens!

Summer 2023 - Pictures of the gardens

June 9, 2023 – We are nearly sold out of the remaining lilacs from our plant sale. We will be selling the remainder of the Glory Lilac (purple, prolific bloomer) at Planters Days on Saturday, June 17th 9am to 2 pm. So if you didn’t get one, come see us at our table at Park Rd/Goerig Street. They are $36 including tax, cash or check only. Only about 40 left, so get them while you can!

Summer is about upon us and this sunny, warm weather has been terrific. The good news is the lilacs are loving it, and the bad is, so are the weeds! We are busy sprucing up the garden doing weeding, pruning, catching moles, and planting new lilacs. We are doing “Wednesday Weeder” work parties. If you are able to join the volunteers, contact if you can volunteer some time to help in the gardens.

We have our upcoming Membership and Volunteer Recognition Picnic on Tuesday, July 25th at 6:00 pm in the garden. Please SAVE THE DATE! More information to come in our upcoming Newsletter.

See you in the Gardens!

Current pictures

May 22, 2023-

Lilac Plant Sale **markdowns** 1 gallon lilacs

End of season plant sale at Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens – on sale! When they’re gone, they’re gone! We have 2 varieties left from Lilac Days: Glory and Yankee Doodle.

Glory is early, amazing, prolific bloomer, fragrant deep-purple flowers.

Yankee Doodle has the deepest and darkest purple blooms in the lilac family. The leaves are heart shaped with a blue-green color. The leaves do not change in the fall. The blooms have a strong, sweet fragrance.

On sale now through May 31st (while quantities last.) $36 each (cash or check), local pickup at gardens, 115 S. Pekin Rd., Woodland, WA. First pickup date Friday, May 27th 9am to noon, Second pickup Saturday, May 28th 9am to noon. To purchase, email or send message. FCFS while they last!

Lilac Sale

May 17, 2023 – We finished up Lilac Days 2023 and want to give a big shoutout to all the volunteers that make this happen, and to the Lilac Garden Board members for their time spent and countless volunteer hours, to our groundskeeper and helpers for their hard work, to the vendors who added to the event, and to all our visitors who support and make the gardens possible.

What’s new? We will have the gardens open daily* (*with exceptions) beginning May 15th from 10am to 2pm (gates close so wrap it up by 1:45 pm please). *There will be a few exceptions and closures, so please see the Calendar at our website for current closures. Closed on Holidays, too. The house and museum are closed at this time.

Lilacs. We have a few Lilac plants left over from Lilac Days and will be announcing an online plant sale beginning approximately May 21st – May 31st. We have 1 gallon Glory (single magenta/purple) and 1 gallon Yankee Doodle (single purple). Pricing TBD. Cash or checks. Local pickup.

We are looking for more volunteers and members to help tend the garden. Please contact me at if you’re available. Sign up to get an annual membership ($8) and get unlimited entry during the next 2024 Lilac Days and year-long by showing your membership card. After Lilac Days members enter at no charge other days, when gates are open and staff are available and present, throughout spring, summer and fall Also receive emails on upcoming events, speakers and meetings. Volunteer opportunities also. Link to membership, or signup at the entry gate.

See you in the Gardens!

May 10th, 2023 – The mornings are still cool in the garden and we’re seeing sunny afternoons with hot weather coming Saturday and Sunday. Mother’s Day will be great with the lilacs looking spectacular and the blooms just keep coming. Since we have such a large variety of lilac plants in the garden, we have many early, mid and late bloomers…. something for everyone to stroll the gardens and see! We celebrated the remembrance of Hulda Klager on her birthday today! Cupcakes and lots of visitors. Come visit and get a copy of “Where Lilacs Still Bloom” by Jane Kirkpatrick or many other lilac themed items in the gift shop. Take in the new barn/museum and see our theme “Hats from the past”. Last, don’t forget a tour of the historic Klager house which is open 1-4pm daily. See you in the garden and at Lilac Days!

May 1, 2023 – The gardens are really bursting with color! Weather has improved with the sun and warmer temps. On April 27th we were lucky to have a visit from Mark DeBard, all the way from Ohio, with the International Lilac Society and he shared his beautiful photos with us. He mentioned, “Thirteen different rare cultivars from Hulda Klager Lilac Garden in Woodland, WA that I took pictures of 3 days ago: Fred C. Wilke, Pink Elizabeth, Hallelujah, R. and B. Mills, Carley, Van Eaton, Lady Lucille, Peacock, Mrs Berneasha (or Bereasha), Perky Artie, Hyacinth, R. W. Mills, and Frank Smith.” (See his post on Facebook at International Lilac Society page.) Come see the gardens and enjoy all the lilacs and other plants and trees at this National Historic site. Take home a few lilacs from the plant sale open daily 10am-4pm now through May 14th!

April 27, 2023 – The sun is out and we’re seeing blooms! It was a lovely day in the garden and as we strolled around we observed blooms showing all over the garden. Some high, some low, but there’s definitely color! Particularly Anabel, Royal Purple, Mme. Lemoine, President Poincaré, My Favorite, Josee, just to name a few. Lilac Days is open daily 10am to 4 pm and the house tours from 1pm to 4 pm daily. We also are having musicians in the gardens 4/28, 4/29, 4/30 this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Come visit soon and see the new barn/museum!

Garden TimeApril 19, 2023 – We welcomed Garden Time to the gardens for an interview with Ruth Wendt, Board member who gave information on lilacs and care, followed by Mari Ripp, Executive Director speaking on Lilac Days. View the podcast and see current and past photos of the gardens, learn more on history and also information on Lilac Days. Click here to see the podcast.

April 18, 2023 – It was a busy few days as we received delivery of our plants for the Lilac Days Annual Plant Sale (April 22-May 14, available while supplies last!). We had volunteers helping unload, tag, prep plants,and all in the rain and sunshine! Whew! We got wet! And speaking of lilac plants, the garden is moving slowly from bud to bloom, but it won’t be long and it’ll be spectacular! (See the 4/18/2023 pics.) There are still lots of other plants showing their color too. Opening day is this Saturday, April 22nd. See you in the garden!

April 11, 2023: Did we have some wild Spring weather today or what?! Rain, hail and sun! 🤩 Work party at Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens (missed a few in the pic..sorry). Blooms are peeking out and saw Congo and Bloomerang showing some color! Magnolia, camellia and pieris are looking good color wise! Come visit April 22-May 14th 10am-4pm daily. Lots of plants arriving soon for the ANNUAL PLANT SALE! (Insider tip: there will be a few varieties that haven’t been sold before or for awhile!)

April 11

March 31, 2023: The gardens are showing signs of springs arrival. Lilacs are beginning to burst open, daffodils, hyacinth, camellias are blooming as well as other early bloomers. We had a local 4H group come to the gardens and planted 6 flats of donated primroses and some pansies. We had a fantastic speaker for the March 28th Membership meeting. Nicolette Dobbe-Behrendsen from Holland America Bulb and Flower Farm shared information on bulb planting, care and harvesting. We also have some more new birdhouses in the garden, made by Dave Dahl, so be on the lookout for all the new replacements that cover the maintenance equipment. Work parties are coming up (next 4/11 at 9am) and we have a job for everyone that wants to volunteer! More updates will be posted, so watch for them. Come on sunny weather!!

Spring Photos

March 11, 2023: Construction of the new ADA accessible ramp at the barn/museum was completed by volunteers from LOVE INC. Their crew of 10-12 came and worked through the cold and rain that day. We are extremely grateful for their work and building the ramp, which will be a great addition to the gardens for years to come.


February 28, 2023: Winter is still upon us in SW Washington and we’ve seen snow in the low and higher elevations. We had snow in the gardens too and it was pretty for pictures! We are watching the plants which are showing signs of “waking up” and there are bulbs and other sprouts in the garden beds. The gardens are looking very nice with our new garden staff working hard. We have been busy putting together new exhibits in the barn museum and changing some areas in the Lilac Gardens house. We have construction starting for a new ADA ramp to the barn museum too. Stay tuned for more updates!

Hats from the past
Barn Project

Questions? Comments? Please contact us.

October 26, 2024 – Thank you to all the Boy Scouts, volunteers, members and staff that came out for Make a Difference Day 2024 at Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens. Tasks completed included brush pickup/removal, placement of mulch and compost, cleaned and organized storage areas, prepped for the upcoming Klager Christmas event!

Pictures of all of the work
Make a Difference Day Pictures

October, 2024 – Volunteer at Make a Difference Day on October 26th at the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens.

Make a Difference Day Flyer

September 8, 2024 – There is planned road construction occurring on 5th Street and South Pekin, so effective immediately the Gardens will be CLOSED to the public (local traffic only) until further notice. Updates will be posted to the website calendar.

July, 2024 – The annual volunteer and membership picnic was held 7/23/2024. The picnic was attended by about 50 people….Volunteers, spouses, Boy Scouts, float makers, and friends. Ruth Wendt was honored for her 40+ years of volunteering at the Lilac Gardens. Thank you to Lori Comstock for ordering and delivering the food and to the many volunteers who helped setup. The program was narrated by Mari Ripp (with the new Karaoke player), Mary Jo Kellar presenting the group with a Territorial Pioneer map created by her grandmother Jewell Leathers in 1953, and the Raffle Quilt drawing was held. Leeann Hadaller, Kalama WA, was the lucky winner!

Join our membership and come attend more garden events!

Our August Membership meeting will be held at Hulda’s house on August 27th at 1 p.m. Come join us! Stay tuned for exciting winter event information to be released soon….

See you in the garden!

July picnic photos

July 28, 2024 – LeeAnn Hadaller of Kalama was our 2024 winner of the quilt raffle. We had a good turnout for our Volunteer Appreciation picnic and a good time was had by all.

Our August General meeting will be held at Hulda’s house on August 27th at 1 p.m. Come join us!

Quilt Winner

June 12, 2024 – Come to the ONE DAY PLANT SALE on Thursday, June 13th 10 am to 6 pm at the Gardens. Plants are $18 for 1 gallon. Cash only please. Free admission for plant sale!

Come visit the garden. Lots of plants and flowers are in bloom! Open daily 9am-4pm, except Wednesdays, holidays and other various closures. See the calendar for details. $10 admission for adults. 12 and under free.

There will be a membership meeting on Tuesday, June 25th 1:00 p.m. at the Klager house. Come join us to hear from our speaker from the Clark County Historical Museum.

June 2024 Pictures
June 2024 Pictures

May 11, 2024 – The lilac bloom is nearing the end but there are a few still left to see (Miss Kim is looking spectacular!) and there are lots of other plants and trees blooming such as azaleas, rhododendrons, iris, shrub roses, dogwood, deutzia, weiggelia, Chinese rose, double file viburnum and more! Below are photos from today.

Our plant sale is also still on with the last day tomorrow May 12th We have several varieties in the 2″ starter size still ready for purchase at $12 and $16. Plus the gift shop with lilac themed items. Tours of house begin 1pm to 4pm every 15 minutes or so. Gardens open at 10am to 4 pm and $10 admission includes the museum plus the house tours (FCFS).

After Lilac Days 2024

After Lilac Days and when the lilac blooms are winding down, there are still rhododendrons, azaleas, peony’s, iris and other plants in bloom and the gardens are still serene and beautiful and available for strolling and picnics. The Gardens will be open this summer daily 9-4pm, except closed on Wednesdays and holidays. The house & museum will be closed. Please check our website for current information and hours Calendar. There is a $10 admission fee at the self-pay station at the front gate. Cash or check only please. You can also find lots of information on the website.

We hope you’ll visit!

Plant delivery and work party pictures

April 29, 2024 – We are seeing some spring-like weather in the garden for Lilac Days 2024. Admission is $10 adults (kids 12 and under free). Cash or credit/debit are accepted at the garden. The plant sale is open and there are alot of plants for purchase in 2-3″ size, 1 and 2 gallon ranging from $12, $16, $38, $48 and $62. Visit Plant Sales for more info (*plants are sold as supplies last). We have restocked the Garden Pearls (lime) in the sales area too. The gardens and Museum are open now through May 12th 10 am to 4pm daily. Make sure to allow time to visit the famous Klager farmhouse (open 1 to 4 pm daily through May 12th and tours are every 15-20 minutes for groups of 15 at a time. Line up at the front porch.) You are welcome to bring a picnic lunch and use the picnic tables and benches scattered around the gardens. The Boy Scouts are also selling concessions on the weekends. During the week there is a confectionary vendor selling goodies! See you in the garden!

Plant delivery and work party pictures
April 20, 2024 – Greetings! It’s Lilac Days!  Opening day was fantastic!  Sunshine, lots of visitors, sales were vigorous and the lilacs and garden are blooming and looking beautiful! While the lilacs are not quite at peak, this spring weather and Mother Nature will bring it very soon. There are early, mid and late bloomers, so lots to enjoy, smell and photograph. Join us to see the lilacs in bloom, visit the plant sale, gift shop and museum. Gardens are open daily through May 12th/Mother’s Day from 10am to 4 pm.
We have a few specialty days coming up.
  • Sunday, April 21st Royalty Day with Planters Days royal court, Ms. Senior Washington USA/Ms. Senior Ireland/Universe Caliatra Wright and Miss Washington Vanessa Munson.
  • Fragrant Heritage & Storytelling– at Lilac Gardens at 1:00 pm on:

  • Tuesday, April 23, Ruth Wendt, Jon Drury (re: 1903 Luther Burbank), 

  • Wednesday April 24, Cynthia & Ernie Hardeger

  • Tuesday April 30, Mary Jo Kellar, Jon Drury (repeat), Kirk Northcut

  • Wednesday May 1st-Nancy (Ripp) Darnell, Guild family: Lorinda Cheek, mother Wanda Cheek, Debbie Myers, cousin Lorraine.

  • Friday May 10th – Hulda’s birthday & cupcakes (while supplies last)

  • Sunday May 12th Mothers Day

Come see us in the garden!

Plant delivery and work party pictures

Come visit the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens!

💜Lilac Days 2024💜 opens Saturday April 20th 10am to 4pm!
Royalty Day is Sunday April 21st. Planters Days Royal Court, Ms. Senior Washington USA, Ms.Senior Ireland Universe Caliatra Wright and Miss Washington Vanessa Munson will be at the gardens!

Plant delivery and work party pictures

April 4, 2024 – Lilacs are showing! We are busy prepping for LILAC DAYS opening day on APRIL 20th 10am.  A huge THANK YOU to all the Volunteers that were at our work party April 4th unloading plants and preparing them for the plant sale. Our next plant delivery work party is April 9th at 9 am and we’d love to have you come help. Message Mari Ripp at

See you in the gardens!
Pictures of current lilacs
Plant delivery and work party pictures

January 14, 2024 – Boy oh boy! Winter sure hit with a vengeance! The biting cold temps in the teens and the bitterly cold wind & snow. We winterized and prepped in advance of the storm thankfully. So only 1-2 lilac bushes have damage. The snow looks beautiful in the garden and here are a few pics to enjoy.

So far we are watching weather and road reports for Tuesday, January 16th 1pm board meeting. I will update MONDAY (I hear more snow is forecast for Wednesday!) Our alternate date for board is 10am on Tuesday January 23rd, followed by Membership meeting at 1pm. I’ll keep you posted. Stay warm and be safe☺️

Gardens in Winter!

December 12, 2023 – We held our annual HKLG Christmas party at Hulda’s farmhouse. There was lots of fun, laughter, friendship, food and a lively gift exchange playing the “steal a gift or choose a wrapped gift game”. If you couldn’t attend, we hope you will in the next year.

Christmas Party

December 11, 2023 – Meet Tracy Clark, our new Groundskeeper for the Lilac Gardens. Tracy has worked in retail garden centers and at our local nursery and has a love of plants, gardening and the outdoors. Please welcome her and say hi if you see her out and about in the gardens.

New Groundskeeper!
Happy Thanksgiving!

October 15, 2023 – Fall is here and winter is right around the corner. We are still busy in the garden weeding, landscaping and planting new lilacs (to replace some older and empty spots from past winter damage.) We are still looking for volunteers for the garden work and if you are available and can volunteer an hour or two here and there, please contact us at
Come join us and be a member as well. We’d love to have you. Check out our membership information on the website. Enjoy the fall weather, falling leaves and cooler days, and rain (of course) and a peek or two of the sunny weather too. See you in the garden soon!

July 27, 2023 – Our WINNER of the beautiful raffle quilt was Jane Ewert! The drawing was held on 7/25/23. Jane received the quilt and was thrilled at winning this beautiful quilt. A special thank you to the Memory Block Quilt Group from Community of Christ Church, Ridgefield WA for making the quilt. Thank you to all our supporters for buying tickets. And…we’re working on the new quilt for 2024, so watch for more info soon!

Quilt Winner

July 25, 2023 – The quilt raffle drawing was held at the HKLG Membership & Volunteer annual picnic on Tuesday, July 25th. It was a lovely evening in the garden and we had a great picnic dinner and lots of visiting went on! The quilt raffle ticket was drawn and the lucky winner was Jane Ewert! We have notified her and more photos are coming soon. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets and for your support of the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens. Insider info: We have selected our pattern, fabric and quilt group to make next year’s raffle quilt, so watch the website for announcements!

The gardens are open daily 10am to 2pm (except closed to public Wednesdays and holidays.) Fee payable at the self-pay station at the front gate is $5 adults (cash or check), children 12 and under free.
Come enjoy the gardens and have a picnic!

Annual picnic
Summer 2023

July 17, 2023 – It’s summer and the hot, dry weather is definitely here! We are irrigating and doing maintenance and repairs throughout the garden. We’ve been open daily to the public who enjoy the beautiful, peaceful tranquility of the grounds. “Wednesday Weeders” have been sprucing up the garden beds, but there’s much more to do. We can use more help! We have our upcoming Membership and Volunteer Recognition Picnic on Tuesday, July 25th at 6:00 pm in the garden. If you are interested in becoming a member or volunteer please contact or visit the membership page.

See you in the Gardens!

Summer 2023 - Pictures of the gardens

June 9, 2023 – We are nearly sold out of the remaining lilacs from our plant sale. We will be selling the remainder of the Glory Lilac (purple, prolific bloomer) at Planters Days on Saturday, June 17th 9am to 2 pm. So if you didn’t get one, come see us at our table at Park Rd/Goerig Street. They are $36 including tax, cash or check only. Only about 40 left, so get them while you can!

Summer is about upon us and this sunny, warm weather has been terrific. The good news is the lilacs are loving it, and the bad is, so are the weeds! We are busy sprucing up the garden doing weeding, pruning, catching moles, and planting new lilacs. We are doing “Wednesday Weeder” work parties. If you are able to join the volunteers, contact if you can volunteer some time to help in the gardens.

We have our upcoming Membership and Volunteer Recognition Picnic on Tuesday, July 25th at 6:00 pm in the garden. Please SAVE THE DATE! More information to come in our upcoming Newsletter.

See you in the Gardens!

Current pictures

May 22, 2023-

Lilac Plant Sale **markdowns** 1 gallon lilacs

End of season plant sale at Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens – on sale! When they’re gone, they’re gone! We have 2 varieties left from Lilac Days: Glory and Yankee Doodle.

Glory is early, amazing, prolific bloomer, fragrant deep-purple flowers.

Yankee Doodle has the deepest and darkest purple blooms in the lilac family. The leaves are heart shaped with a blue-green color. The leaves do not change in the fall. The blooms have a strong, sweet fragrance.

On sale now through May 31st (while quantities last.) $36 each (cash or check), local pickup at gardens, 115 S. Pekin Rd., Woodland, WA. First pickup date Friday, May 27th 9am to noon, Second pickup Saturday, May 28th 9am to noon. To purchase, email or send message. FCFS while they last!

Lilac Sale

May 17, 2023 – We finished up Lilac Days 2023 and want to give a big shoutout to all the volunteers that make this happen, and to the Lilac Garden Board members for their time spent and countless volunteer hours, to our groundskeeper and helpers for their hard work, to the vendors who added to the event, and to all our visitors who support and make the gardens possible.

What’s new? We will have the gardens open daily* (*with exceptions) beginning May 15th from 10am to 2pm (gates close so wrap it up by 1:45 pm please). *There will be a few exceptions and closures, so please see the Calendar at our website for current closures. Closed on Holidays, too. The house and museum are closed at this time.

Lilacs. We have a few Lilac plants left over from Lilac Days and will be announcing an online plant sale beginning approximately May 21st – May 31st. We have 1 gallon Glory (single magenta/purple) and 1 gallon Yankee Doodle (single purple). Pricing TBD. Cash or checks. Local pickup.

We are looking for more volunteers and members to help tend the garden. Please contact me at if you’re available. Sign up to get an annual membership ($8) and get unlimited entry during the next 2024 Lilac Days and year-long by showing your membership card. After Lilac Days members enter at no charge other days, when gates are open and staff are available and present, throughout spring, summer and fall Also receive emails on upcoming events, speakers and meetings. Volunteer opportunities also. Link to membership, or signup at the entry gate.

See you in the Gardens!

May 10th, 2023 – The mornings are still cool in the garden and we’re seeing sunny afternoons with hot weather coming Saturday and Sunday. Mother’s Day will be great with the lilacs looking spectacular and the blooms just keep coming. Since we have such a large variety of lilac plants in the garden, we have many early, mid and late bloomers…. something for everyone to stroll the gardens and see! We celebrated the remembrance of Hulda Klager on her birthday today! Cupcakes and lots of visitors. Come visit and get a copy of “Where Lilacs Still Bloom” by Jane Kirkpatrick or many other lilac themed items in the gift shop. Take in the new barn/museum and see our theme “Hats from the past”. Last, don’t forget a tour of the historic Klager house which is open 1-4pm daily. See you in the garden and at Lilac Days!

May 1, 2023 – The gardens are really bursting with color! Weather has improved with the sun and warmer temps. On April 27th we were lucky to have a visit from Mark DeBard, all the way from Ohio, with the International Lilac Society and he shared his beautiful photos with us. He mentioned, “Thirteen different rare cultivars from Hulda Klager Lilac Garden in Woodland, WA that I took pictures of 3 days ago: Fred C. Wilke, Pink Elizabeth, Hallelujah, R. and B. Mills, Carley, Van Eaton, Lady Lucille, Peacock, Mrs Berneasha (or Bereasha), Perky Artie, Hyacinth, R. W. Mills, and Frank Smith.” (See his post on Facebook at International Lilac Society page.) Come see the gardens and enjoy all the lilacs and other plants and trees at this National Historic site. Take home a few lilacs from the plant sale open daily 10am-4pm now through May 14th!

April 27, 2023 – The sun is out and we’re seeing blooms! It was a lovely day in the garden and as we strolled around we observed blooms showing all over the garden. Some high, some low, but there’s definitely color! Particularly Anabel, Royal Purple, Mme. Lemoine, President Poincaré, My Favorite, Josee, just to name a few. Lilac Days is open daily 10am to 4 pm and the house tours from 1pm to 4 pm daily. We also are having musicians in the gardens 4/28, 4/29, 4/30 this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Come visit soon and see the new barn/museum!

Garden TimeApril 19, 2023 – We welcomed Garden Time to the gardens for an interview with Ruth Wendt, Board member who gave information on lilacs and care, followed by Mari Ripp, Executive Director speaking on Lilac Days. View the podcast and see current and past photos of the gardens, learn more on history and also information on Lilac Days. Click here to see the podcast.

April 18, 2023 – It was a busy few days as we received delivery of our plants for the Lilac Days Annual Plant Sale (April 22-May 14, available while supplies last!). We had volunteers helping unload, tag, prep plants,and all in the rain and sunshine! Whew! We got wet! And speaking of lilac plants, the garden is moving slowly from bud to bloom, but it won’t be long and it’ll be spectacular! (See the 4/18/2023 pics.) There are still lots of other plants showing their color too. Opening day is this Saturday, April 22nd. See you in the garden!

April 11, 2023: Did we have some wild Spring weather today or what?! Rain, hail and sun! 🤩 Work party at Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens (missed a few in the pic..sorry). Blooms are peeking out and saw Congo and Bloomerang showing some color! Magnolia, camellia and pieris are looking good color wise! Come visit April 22-May 14th 10am-4pm daily. Lots of plants arriving soon for the ANNUAL PLANT SALE! (Insider tip: there will be a few varieties that haven’t been sold before or for awhile!)

April 11

March 31, 2023: The gardens are showing signs of springs arrival. Lilacs are beginning to burst open, daffodils, hyacinth, camellias are blooming as well as other early bloomers. We had a local 4H group come to the gardens and planted 6 flats of donated primroses and some pansies. We had a fantastic speaker for the March 28th Membership meeting. Nicolette Dobbe-Behrendsen from Holland America Bulb and Flower Farm shared information on bulb planting, care and harvesting. We also have some more new birdhouses in the garden, made by Dave Dahl, so be on the lookout for all the new replacements that cover the maintenance equipment. Work parties are coming up (next 4/11 at 9am) and we have a job for everyone that wants to volunteer! More updates will be posted, so watch for them. Come on sunny weather!!

Spring Photos

March 11, 2023: Construction of the new ADA accessible ramp at the barn/museum was completed by volunteers from LOVE INC. Their crew of 10-12 came and worked through the cold and rain that day. We are extremely grateful for their work and building the ramp, which will be a great addition to the gardens for years to come.


February 28, 2023: Winter is still upon us in SW Washington and we’ve seen snow in the low and higher elevations. We had snow in the gardens too and it was pretty for pictures! We are watching the plants which are showing signs of “waking up” and there are bulbs and other sprouts in the garden beds. The gardens are looking very nice with our new garden staff working hard. We have been busy putting together new exhibits in the barn museum and changing some areas in the Lilac Gardens house. We have construction starting for a new ADA ramp to the barn museum too. Stay tuned for more updates!

Hats from the past
Barn Project

Questions? Comments? Please contact us.

June 1, 2024 – Lilac Days 2024 has ended and it was successful! We are so happy we had so many visitors and all the new members that signed up! The staff and volunteers are now busy working in the garden on planting new lilacs, repotting lilacs left from the sale, pruning, weeding and general maintenance. We are holding work parties if you want to sign up and come help. They are held weekly in the mornings with our Weekly Weeders group. contact Mari Ripp, and we’ll put you in touch. We are also preparing for the ONE DAY PLANT SALE on Thursday, June 13th 10 am to 6 pm at the Gardens. See the plant sales page for more information. There will be a membership meeting on Tuesday, June 25th 1:00 p.m. at the Klager house. Come join us to hear from our speaker from the Clark County Historical Museum. Drop in or become a member. And SAVE THE DATE for the HKLG Annual picnic on Tuesday, July 23rd 6pm at the garden. We will also be drawing the winner of the lovely raffle quilt that evening.

6/1/24 Photos of the Garden

May 11, 2024 – The lilac bloom is nearing the end but there are a few still left to see (Miss Kim is looking spectacular!) and there are lots of other plants and trees blooming such as azaleas, rhododendrons, iris, shrub roses, dogwood, deutzia, weiggelia, Chinese rose, double file viburnum and more! Below are photos from today.

Our plant sale is also still on with the last day tomorrow May 12th We have several varieties in the 2″ starter size still ready for purchase at $12 and $16. Plus the gift shop with lilac themed items. Tours of house begin 1pm to 4pm every 15 minutes or so. Gardens open at 10am to 4 pm and $10 admission includes the museum plus the house tours (FCFS).

After Lilac Days 2024

After Lilac Days and when the lilac blooms are winding down, there are still rhododendrons, azaleas, peony’s, iris and other plants in bloom and the gardens are still serene and beautiful and available for strolling and picnics. The Gardens will be open this summer daily 9-4pm, except closed on Wednesdays and holidays. The house & museum will be closed. Please check our website for current information and hours Calendar. There is a $10 admission fee at the self-pay station at the front gate. Cash or check only please. You can also find lots of information on the website.

We hope you’ll visit!

Plant delivery and work party pictures

April 29, 2024 – We are seeing some spring-like weather in the garden for Lilac Days 2024. Admission is $10 adults (kids 12 and under free). Cash or credit/debit are accepted at the garden. The plant sale is open and there are alot of plants for purchase in 2-3″ size, 1 and 2 gallon ranging from $12, $16, $38, $48 and $62. Visit Plant Sales for more info (*plants are sold as supplies last). We have restocked the Garden Pearls (lime) in the sales area too. The gardens and Museum are open now through May 12th 10 am to 4pm daily. Make sure to allow time to visit the famous Klager farmhouse (open 1 to 4 pm daily through May 12th and tours are every 15-20 minutes for groups of 15 at a time. Line up at the front porch.) You are welcome to bring a picnic lunch and use the picnic tables and benches scattered around the gardens. The Boy Scouts are also selling concessions on the weekends. During the week there is a confectionary vendor selling goodies! See you in the garden!

Plant delivery and work party pictures
April 20, 2024 – Greetings! It’s Lilac Days!  Opening day was fantastic!  Sunshine, lots of visitors, sales were vigorous and the lilacs and garden are blooming and looking beautiful! While the lilacs are not quite at peak, this spring weather and Mother Nature will bring it very soon. There are early, mid and late bloomers, so lots to enjoy, smell and photograph. Join us to see the lilacs in bloom, visit the plant sale, gift shop and museum. Gardens are open daily through May 12th/Mother’s Day from 10am to 4 pm.
We have a few specialty days coming up.
  • Sunday, April 21st Royalty Day with Planters Days royal court, Ms. Senior Washington USA/Ms. Senior Ireland/Universe Caliatra Wright and Miss Washington Vanessa Munson.
  • Fragrant Heritage & Storytelling– at Lilac Gardens at 1:00 pm on:

  • Tuesday, April 23, Ruth Wendt, Jon Drury (re: 1903 Luther Burbank), 

  • Wednesday April 24, Cynthia & Ernie Hardeger

  • Tuesday April 30, Mary Jo Kellar, Jon Drury (repeat), Kirk Northcut

  • Wednesday May 1st-Nancy (Ripp) Darnell, Guild family: Lorinda Cheek, mother Wanda Cheek, Debbie Myers, cousin Lorraine.

  • Friday May 10th – Hulda’s birthday & cupcakes (while supplies last)

  • Sunday May 12th Mothers Day

Come see us in the garden!

Plant delivery and work party pictures

Come visit the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens!

💜Lilac Days 2024💜 opens Saturday April 20th 10am to 4pm!
Royalty Day is Sunday April 21st. Planters Days Royal Court, Ms. Senior Washington USA, Ms.Senior Ireland Universe Caliatra Wright and Miss Washington Vanessa Munson will be at the gardens!

Plant delivery and work party pictures

April 4, 2024 – Lilacs are showing! We are busy prepping for LILAC DAYS opening day on APRIL 20th 10am.  A huge THANK YOU to all the Volunteers that were at our work party April 4th unloading plants and preparing them for the plant sale. Our next plant delivery work party is April 9th at 9 am and we’d love to have you come help. Message Mari Ripp at

See you in the gardens!
Pictures of current lilacs
Plant delivery and work party pictures

January 14, 2024 – Boy oh boy! Winter sure hit with a vengeance! The biting cold temps in the teens and the bitterly cold wind & snow. We winterized and prepped in advance of the storm thankfully. So only 1-2 lilac bushes have damage. The snow looks beautiful in the garden and here are a few pics to enjoy.

So far we are watching weather and road reports for Tuesday, January 16th 1pm board meeting. I will update MONDAY (I hear more snow is forecast for Wednesday!) Our alternate date for board is 10am on Tuesday January 23rd, followed by Membership meeting at 1pm. I’ll keep you posted. Stay warm and be safe☺️

Gardens in Winter!

December 12, 2023 – We held our annual HKLG Christmas party at Hulda’s farmhouse. There was lots of fun, laughter, friendship, food and a lively gift exchange playing the “steal a gift or choose a wrapped gift game”. If you couldn’t attend, we hope you will in the next year.

Christmas Party

December 11, 2023 – Meet Tracy Clark, our new Groundskeeper for the Lilac Gardens. Tracy has worked in retail garden centers and at our local nursery and has a love of plants, gardening and the outdoors. Please welcome her and say hi if you see her out and about in the gardens.

New Groundskeeper!
Happy Thanksgiving!

October 15, 2023 – Fall is here and winter is right around the corner. We are still busy in the garden weeding, landscaping and planting new lilacs (to replace some older and empty spots from past winter damage.) We are still looking for volunteers for the garden work and if you are available and can volunteer an hour or two here and there, please contact us at
Come join us and be a member as well. We’d love to have you. Check out our membership information on the website. Enjoy the fall weather, falling leaves and cooler days, and rain (of course) and a peek or two of the sunny weather too. See you in the garden soon!

July 27, 2023 – Our WINNER of the beautiful raffle quilt was Jane Ewert! The drawing was held on 7/25/23. Jane received the quilt and was thrilled at winning this beautiful quilt. A special thank you to the Memory Block Quilt Group from Community of Christ Church, Ridgefield WA for making the quilt. Thank you to all our supporters for buying tickets. And…we’re working on the new quilt for 2024, so watch for more info soon!

Quilt Winner

July 25, 2023 – The quilt raffle drawing was held at the HKLG Membership & Volunteer annual picnic on Tuesday, July 25th. It was a lovely evening in the garden and we had a great picnic dinner and lots of visiting went on! The quilt raffle ticket was drawn and the lucky winner was Jane Ewert! We have notified her and more photos are coming soon. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets and for your support of the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens. Insider info: We have selected our pattern, fabric and quilt group to make next year’s raffle quilt, so watch the website for announcements!

The gardens are open daily 10am to 2pm (except closed to public Wednesdays and holidays.) Fee payable at the self-pay station at the front gate is $5 adults (cash or check), children 12 and under free.
Come enjoy the gardens and have a picnic!

Annual picnic
Summer 2023

July 17, 2023 – It’s summer and the hot, dry weather is definitely here! We are irrigating and doing maintenance and repairs throughout the garden. We’ve been open daily to the public who enjoy the beautiful, peaceful tranquility of the grounds. “Wednesday Weeders” have been sprucing up the garden beds, but there’s much more to do. We can use more help! We have our upcoming Membership and Volunteer Recognition Picnic on Tuesday, July 25th at 6:00 pm in the garden. If you are interested in becoming a member or volunteer please contact or visit the membership page.

See you in the Gardens!

Summer 2023 - Pictures of the gardens

June 9, 2023 – We are nearly sold out of the remaining lilacs from our plant sale. We will be selling the remainder of the Glory Lilac (purple, prolific bloomer) at Planters Days on Saturday, June 17th 9am to 2 pm. So if you didn’t get one, come see us at our table at Park Rd/Goerig Street. They are $36 including tax, cash or check only. Only about 40 left, so get them while you can!

Summer is about upon us and this sunny, warm weather has been terrific. The good news is the lilacs are loving it, and the bad is, so are the weeds! We are busy sprucing up the garden doing weeding, pruning, catching moles, and planting new lilacs. We are doing “Wednesday Weeder” work parties. If you are able to join the volunteers, contact if you can volunteer some time to help in the gardens.

We have our upcoming Membership and Volunteer Recognition Picnic on Tuesday, July 25th at 6:00 pm in the garden. Please SAVE THE DATE! More information to come in our upcoming Newsletter.

See you in the Gardens!

Current pictures

May 22, 2023-

Lilac Plant Sale **markdowns** 1 gallon lilacs

End of season plant sale at Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens – on sale! When they’re gone, they’re gone! We have 2 varieties left from Lilac Days: Glory and Yankee Doodle.

Glory is early, amazing, prolific bloomer, fragrant deep-purple flowers.

Yankee Doodle has the deepest and darkest purple blooms in the lilac family. The leaves are heart shaped with a blue-green color. The leaves do not change in the fall. The blooms have a strong, sweet fragrance.

On sale now through May 31st (while quantities last.) $36 each (cash or check), local pickup at gardens, 115 S. Pekin Rd., Woodland, WA. First pickup date Friday, May 27th 9am to noon, Second pickup Saturday, May 28th 9am to noon. To purchase, email or send message. FCFS while they last!

Lilac Sale

May 17, 2023 – We finished up Lilac Days 2023 and want to give a big shoutout to all the volunteers that make this happen, and to the Lilac Garden Board members for their time spent and countless volunteer hours, to our groundskeeper and helpers for their hard work, to the vendors who added to the event, and to all our visitors who support and make the gardens possible.

What’s new? We will have the gardens open daily* (*with exceptions) beginning May 15th from 10am to 2pm (gates close so wrap it up by 1:45 pm please). *There will be a few exceptions and closures, so please see the Calendar at our website for current closures. Closed on Holidays, too. The house and museum are closed at this time.

Lilacs. We have a few Lilac plants left over from Lilac Days and will be announcing an online plant sale beginning approximately May 21st – May 31st. We have 1 gallon Glory (single magenta/purple) and 1 gallon Yankee Doodle (single purple). Pricing TBD. Cash or checks. Local pickup.

We are looking for more volunteers and members to help tend the garden. Please contact me at if you’re available. Sign up to get an annual membership ($8) and get unlimited entry during the next 2024 Lilac Days and year-long by showing your membership card. After Lilac Days members enter at no charge other days, when gates are open and staff are available and present, throughout spring, summer and fall Also receive emails on upcoming events, speakers and meetings. Volunteer opportunities also. Link to membership, or signup at the entry gate.

See you in the Gardens!

May 10th, 2023 – The mornings are still cool in the garden and we’re seeing sunny afternoons with hot weather coming Saturday and Sunday. Mother’s Day will be great with the lilacs looking spectacular and the blooms just keep coming. Since we have such a large variety of lilac plants in the garden, we have many early, mid and late bloomers…. something for everyone to stroll the gardens and see! We celebrated the remembrance of Hulda Klager on her birthday today! Cupcakes and lots of visitors. Come visit and get a copy of “Where Lilacs Still Bloom” by Jane Kirkpatrick or many other lilac themed items in the gift shop. Take in the new barn/museum and see our theme “Hats from the past”. Last, don’t forget a tour of the historic Klager house which is open 1-4pm daily. See you in the garden and at Lilac Days!

May 1, 2023 – The gardens are really bursting with color! Weather has improved with the sun and warmer temps. On April 27th we were lucky to have a visit from Mark DeBard, all the way from Ohio, with the International Lilac Society and he shared his beautiful photos with us. He mentioned, “Thirteen different rare cultivars from Hulda Klager Lilac Garden in Woodland, WA that I took pictures of 3 days ago: Fred C. Wilke, Pink Elizabeth, Hallelujah, R. and B. Mills, Carley, Van Eaton, Lady Lucille, Peacock, Mrs Berneasha (or Bereasha), Perky Artie, Hyacinth, R. W. Mills, and Frank Smith.” (See his post on Facebook at International Lilac Society page.) Come see the gardens and enjoy all the lilacs and other plants and trees at this National Historic site. Take home a few lilacs from the plant sale open daily 10am-4pm now through May 14th!

April 27, 2023 – The sun is out and we’re seeing blooms! It was a lovely day in the garden and as we strolled around we observed blooms showing all over the garden. Some high, some low, but there’s definitely color! Particularly Anabel, Royal Purple, Mme. Lemoine, President Poincaré, My Favorite, Josee, just to name a few. Lilac Days is open daily 10am to 4 pm and the house tours from 1pm to 4 pm daily. We also are having musicians in the gardens 4/28, 4/29, 4/30 this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Come visit soon and see the new barn/museum!

Garden TimeApril 19, 2023 – We welcomed Garden Time to the gardens for an interview with Ruth Wendt, Board member who gave information on lilacs and care, followed by Mari Ripp, Executive Director speaking on Lilac Days. View the podcast and see current and past photos of the gardens, learn more on history and also information on Lilac Days. Click here to see the podcast.

April 18, 2023 – It was a busy few days as we received delivery of our plants for the Lilac Days Annual Plant Sale (April 22-May 14, available while supplies last!). We had volunteers helping unload, tag, prep plants,and all in the rain and sunshine! Whew! We got wet! And speaking of lilac plants, the garden is moving slowly from bud to bloom, but it won’t be long and it’ll be spectacular! (See the 4/18/2023 pics.) There are still lots of other plants showing their color too. Opening day is this Saturday, April 22nd. See you in the garden!

April 11, 2023: Did we have some wild Spring weather today or what?! Rain, hail and sun! 🤩 Work party at Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens (missed a few in the pic..sorry). Blooms are peeking out and saw Congo and Bloomerang showing some color! Magnolia, camellia and pieris are looking good color wise! Come visit April 22-May 14th 10am-4pm daily. Lots of plants arriving soon for the ANNUAL PLANT SALE! (Insider tip: there will be a few varieties that haven’t been sold before or for awhile!)

April 11

March 31, 2023: The gardens are showing signs of springs arrival. Lilacs are beginning to burst open, daffodils, hyacinth, camellias are blooming as well as other early bloomers. We had a local 4H group come to the gardens and planted 6 flats of donated primroses and some pansies. We had a fantastic speaker for the March 28th Membership meeting. Nicolette Dobbe-Behrendsen from Holland America Bulb and Flower Farm shared information on bulb planting, care and harvesting. We also have some more new birdhouses in the garden, made by Dave Dahl, so be on the lookout for all the new replacements that cover the maintenance equipment. Work parties are coming up (next 4/11 at 9am) and we have a job for everyone that wants to volunteer! More updates will be posted, so watch for them. Come on sunny weather!!

Spring Photos

March 11, 2023: Construction of the new ADA accessible ramp at the barn/museum was completed by volunteers from LOVE INC. Their crew of 10-12 came and worked through the cold and rain that day. We are extremely grateful for their work and building the ramp, which will be a great addition to the gardens for years to come.


February 28, 2023: Winter is still upon us in SW Washington and we’ve seen snow in the low and higher elevations. We had snow in the gardens too and it was pretty for pictures! We are watching the plants which are showing signs of “waking up” and there are bulbs and other sprouts in the garden beds. The gardens are looking very nice with our new garden staff working hard. We have been busy putting together new exhibits in the barn museum and changing some areas in the Lilac Gardens house. We have construction starting for a new ADA ramp to the barn museum too. Stay tuned for more updates!

Hats from the past
Barn Project

Questions? Comments? Please contact us.

March 16, 2024 – We are welcoming in spring in the garden! Many bushes, trees, and lilacs are starting to burst open. This is exciting as we prepare for Lilac days which starts on Saturday, April 20 and runs through Sunday, May 12th. If you are available to volunteer, we would love to have you before, during and after Lilac Days. Please contact Judy Card at or Mari Ripp at We have lots of volunteer opportunities and shifts are 3 hrs each. You can choose being a docent in the house for tours, working a shift in the barn/museum, gift shop, or in plant sales. We are also excited as we are bringing in a few new varieties of lilacs for sale, one is called Flower Fiesta, which is a dwarf lilac. There will also be plants for sale in many sizes from small and up to one to 2 gallons. Hope to see you in the garden soon!

Spring pictures
More spring pictures

January 14, 2024 – Boy oh boy! Winter sure hit with a vengeance! The biting cold temps in the teens and the bitterly cold wind & snow. We winterized and prepped in advance of the storm thankfully. So only 1-2 lilac bushes have damage. The snow looks beautiful in the garden and here are a few pics to enjoy.

So far we are watching weather and road reports for Tuesday, January 16th 1pm board meeting. I will update MONDAY (I hear more snow is forecast for Wednesday!) Our alternate date for board is 10am on Tuesday January 23rd, followed by Membership meeting at 1pm. I’ll keep you posted. Stay warm and be safe☺️

Gardens in Winter!

December 12, 2023 – We held our annual HKLG Christmas party at Hulda’s farmhouse. There was lots of fun, laughter, friendship, food and a lively gift exchange playing the “steal a gift or choose a wrapped gift game”. If you couldn’t attend, we hope you will in the next year.

Christmas Party

December 11, 2023 – Meet Tracy Clark, our new Groundskeeper for the Lilac Gardens. Tracy has worked in retail garden centers and at our local nursery and has a love of plants, gardening and the outdoors. Please welcome her and say hi if you see her out and about in the gardens.

New Groundskeeper!
Happy Thanksgiving!

October 15, 2023 – Fall is here and winter is right around the corner. We are still busy in the garden weeding, landscaping and planting new lilacs (to replace some older and empty spots from past winter damage.) We are still looking for volunteers for the garden work and if you are available and can volunteer an hour or two here and there, please contact us at
Come join us and be a member as well. We’d love to have you. Check out our membership information on the website. Enjoy the fall weather, falling leaves and cooler days, and rain (of course) and a peek or two of the sunny weather too. See you in the garden soon!

July 27, 2023 – Our WINNER of the beautiful raffle quilt was Jane Ewert! The drawing was held on 7/25/23. Jane received the quilt and was thrilled at winning this beautiful quilt. A special thank you to the Memory Block Quilt Group from Community of Christ Church, Ridgefield WA for making the quilt. Thank you to all our supporters for buying tickets. And…we’re working on the new quilt for 2024, so watch for more info soon!

Quilt Winner

July 25, 2023 – The quilt raffle drawing was held at the HKLG Membership & Volunteer annual picnic on Tuesday, July 25th. It was a lovely evening in the garden and we had a great picnic dinner and lots of visiting went on! The quilt raffle ticket was drawn and the lucky winner was Jane Ewert! We have notified her and more photos are coming soon. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets and for your support of the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens. Insider info: We have selected our pattern, fabric and quilt group to make next year’s raffle quilt, so watch the website for announcements!

The gardens are open daily 10am to 2pm (except closed to public Wednesdays and holidays.) Fee payable at the self-pay station at the front gate is $5 adults (cash or check), children 12 and under free.
Come enjoy the gardens and have a picnic!

Annual picnic
Summer 2023

July 17, 2023 – It’s summer and the hot, dry weather is definitely here! We are irrigating and doing maintenance and repairs throughout the garden. We’ve been open daily to the public who enjoy the beautiful, peaceful tranquility of the grounds. “Wednesday Weeders” have been sprucing up the garden beds, but there’s much more to do. We can use more help! We have our upcoming Membership and Volunteer Recognition Picnic on Tuesday, July 25th at 6:00 pm in the garden. If you are interested in becoming a member or volunteer please contact or visit the membership page.

See you in the Gardens!

Summer 2023 - Pictures of the gardens

June 9, 2023 – We are nearly sold out of the remaining lilacs from our plant sale. We will be selling the remainder of the Glory Lilac (purple, prolific bloomer) at Planters Days on Saturday, June 17th 9am to 2 pm. So if you didn’t get one, come see us at our table at Park Rd/Goerig Street. They are $36 including tax, cash or check only. Only about 40 left, so get them while you can!

Summer is about upon us and this sunny, warm weather has been terrific. The good news is the lilacs are loving it, and the bad is, so are the weeds! We are busy sprucing up the garden doing weeding, pruning, catching moles, and planting new lilacs. We are doing “Wednesday Weeder” work parties. If you are able to join the volunteers, contact if you can volunteer some time to help in the gardens.

We have our upcoming Membership and Volunteer Recognition Picnic on Tuesday, July 25th at 6:00 pm in the garden. Please SAVE THE DATE! More information to come in our upcoming Newsletter.

See you in the Gardens!

Current pictures

May 22, 2023-

Lilac Plant Sale **markdowns** 1 gallon lilacs

End of season plant sale at Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens – on sale! When they’re gone, they’re gone! We have 2 varieties left from Lilac Days: Glory and Yankee Doodle.

Glory is early, amazing, prolific bloomer, fragrant deep-purple flowers.

Yankee Doodle has the deepest and darkest purple blooms in the lilac family. The leaves are heart shaped with a blue-green color. The leaves do not change in the fall. The blooms have a strong, sweet fragrance.

On sale now through May 31st (while quantities last.) $36 each (cash or check), local pickup at gardens, 115 S. Pekin Rd., Woodland, WA. First pickup date Friday, May 27th 9am to noon, Second pickup Saturday, May 28th 9am to noon. To purchase, email or send message. FCFS while they last!

Lilac Sale

May 17, 2023 – We finished up Lilac Days 2023 and want to give a big shoutout to all the volunteers that make this happen, and to the Lilac Garden Board members for their time spent and countless volunteer hours, to our groundskeeper and helpers for their hard work, to the vendors who added to the event, and to all our visitors who support and make the gardens possible.

What’s new? We will have the gardens open daily* (*with exceptions) beginning May 15th from 10am to 2pm (gates close so wrap it up by 1:45 pm please). *There will be a few exceptions and closures, so please see the Calendar at our website for current closures. Closed on Holidays, too. The house and museum are closed at this time.

Lilacs. We have a few Lilac plants left over from Lilac Days and will be announcing an online plant sale beginning approximately May 21st – May 31st. We have 1 gallon Glory (single magenta/purple) and 1 gallon Yankee Doodle (single purple). Pricing TBD. Cash or checks. Local pickup.

We are looking for more volunteers and members to help tend the garden. Please contact me at if you’re available. Sign up to get an annual membership ($8) and get unlimited entry during the next 2024 Lilac Days and year-long by showing your membership card. After Lilac Days members enter at no charge other days, when gates are open and staff are available and present, throughout spring, summer and fall Also receive emails on upcoming events, speakers and meetings. Volunteer opportunities also. Link to membership, or signup at the entry gate.

See you in the Gardens!

May 10th, 2023 – The mornings are still cool in the garden and we’re seeing sunny afternoons with hot weather coming Saturday and Sunday. Mother’s Day will be great with the lilacs looking spectacular and the blooms just keep coming. Since we have such a large variety of lilac plants in the garden, we have many early, mid and late bloomers…. something for everyone to stroll the gardens and see! We celebrated the remembrance of Hulda Klager on her birthday today! Cupcakes and lots of visitors. Come visit and get a copy of “Where Lilacs Still Bloom” by Jane Kirkpatrick or many other lilac themed items in the gift shop. Take in the new barn/museum and see our theme “Hats from the past”. Last, don’t forget a tour of the historic Klager house which is open 1-4pm daily. See you in the garden and at Lilac Days!

May 1, 2023 – The gardens are really bursting with color! Weather has improved with the sun and warmer temps. On April 27th we were lucky to have a visit from Mark DeBard, all the way from Ohio, with the International Lilac Society and he shared his beautiful photos with us. He mentioned, “Thirteen different rare cultivars from Hulda Klager Lilac Garden in Woodland, WA that I took pictures of 3 days ago: Fred C. Wilke, Pink Elizabeth, Hallelujah, R. and B. Mills, Carley, Van Eaton, Lady Lucille, Peacock, Mrs Berneasha (or Bereasha), Perky Artie, Hyacinth, R. W. Mills, and Frank Smith.” (See his post on Facebook at International Lilac Society page.) Come see the gardens and enjoy all the lilacs and other plants and trees at this National Historic site. Take home a few lilacs from the plant sale open daily 10am-4pm now through May 14th!

April 27, 2023 – The sun is out and we’re seeing blooms! It was a lovely day in the garden and as we strolled around we observed blooms showing all over the garden. Some high, some low, but there’s definitely color! Particularly Anabel, Royal Purple, Mme. Lemoine, President Poincaré, My Favorite, Josee, just to name a few. Lilac Days is open daily 10am to 4 pm and the house tours from 1pm to 4 pm daily. We also are having musicians in the gardens 4/28, 4/29, 4/30 this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Come visit soon and see the new barn/museum!

Garden TimeApril 19, 2023 – We welcomed Garden Time to the gardens for an interview with Ruth Wendt, Board member who gave information on lilacs and care, followed by Mari Ripp, Executive Director speaking on Lilac Days. View the podcast and see current and past photos of the gardens, learn more on history and also information on Lilac Days. Click here to see the podcast.

April 18, 2023 – It was a busy few days as we received delivery of our plants for the Lilac Days Annual Plant Sale (April 22-May 14, available while supplies last!). We had volunteers helping unload, tag, prep plants,and all in the rain and sunshine! Whew! We got wet! And speaking of lilac plants, the garden is moving slowly from bud to bloom, but it won’t be long and it’ll be spectacular! (See the 4/18/2023 pics.) There are still lots of other plants showing their color too. Opening day is this Saturday, April 22nd. See you in the garden!

April 11, 2023: Did we have some wild Spring weather today or what?! Rain, hail and sun! 🤩 Work party at Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens (missed a few in the pic..sorry). Blooms are peeking out and saw Congo and Bloomerang showing some color! Magnolia, camellia and pieris are looking good color wise! Come visit April 22-May 14th 10am-4pm daily. Lots of plants arriving soon for the ANNUAL PLANT SALE! (Insider tip: there will be a few varieties that haven’t been sold before or for awhile!)

April 11

March 31, 2023: The gardens are showing signs of springs arrival. Lilacs are beginning to burst open, daffodils, hyacinth, camellias are blooming as well as other early bloomers. We had a local 4H group come to the gardens and planted 6 flats of donated primroses and some pansies. We had a fantastic speaker for the March 28th Membership meeting. Nicolette Dobbe-Behrendsen from Holland America Bulb and Flower Farm shared information on bulb planting, care and harvesting. We also have some more new birdhouses in the garden, made by Dave Dahl, so be on the lookout for all the new replacements that cover the maintenance equipment. Work parties are coming up (next 4/11 at 9am) and we have a job for everyone that wants to volunteer! More updates will be posted, so watch for them. Come on sunny weather!!

Spring Photos

March 11, 2023: Construction of the new ADA accessible ramp at the barn/museum was completed by volunteers from LOVE INC. Their crew of 10-12 came and worked through the cold and rain that day. We are extremely grateful for their work and building the ramp, which will be a great addition to the gardens for years to come.


February 28, 2023: Winter is still upon us in SW Washington and we’ve seen snow in the low and higher elevations. We had snow in the gardens too and it was pretty for pictures! We are watching the plants which are showing signs of “waking up” and there are bulbs and other sprouts in the garden beds. The gardens are looking very nice with our new garden staff working hard. We have been busy putting together new exhibits in the barn museum and changing some areas in the Lilac Gardens house. We have construction starting for a new ADA ramp to the barn museum too. Stay tuned for more updates!

Hats from the past
Barn Project

Questions? Comments? Please contact us.